Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Weather

Every fall/winter I become restless for cooler weather - cold weather - the down right freezing stuff. This year, I was thrilled when Ryan called me from his office to let me know that it was snowing. Cade and I ran outside for a few pictures. I think he liked the cold weather. I hope someday that Caden will be able to experience true snowy weather. Sledding and ski trips. Making snowmen and snow forts. Bundling up with boots, mittens, a scarf and hat to go anywhere. Thawing out only by drinking hot cocoa. Did you know that there are places in this country where vehicles are sold with plugs wired to the engine? In these places (i.e. North Dakota) it gets so cold that you have to plug your car into an electrical outlet overnight in order to be able to start the engine the next morning. And even then, you have to let the car "warm-up" before it can be driven anywhere. It sounds miserable, but it is a wonderful memory for me. I would love to share that experience with our kiddo.

1 comment:

Sam, Jill and Aubrey said...

You guys look great all bundled up for the snow flakes. I have a couple classmates from Houston and they mentioned the snow down there. I haven't really enjoyed the cold weather of CT, but I probably would miss it is I lived in some place where it never snowed! Have a happy holiday!!