Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

22 weeks :)

Daddy with Cade at swimming lessons... we had just melted down and are in recovery. Cade doesn't like to go too far under with the teacher... we are working on this!

Baby Charlotte is the size a a spaghetti squash (none in the pic, fresh out of that) this week! We had a good check-up today and were able to schedule the c-section date. Friday, October 23rd is when we will meet Baby! What a thrill!!!

Caden is also excited. We continue to explain what an important role he has to be a good big brother to his sister.


Jill said...

You look so beautiful and are really one of the prettiest pregnant women I have ever seen! You definitely have that glow! Can't wait to see pictures of Baby Charlotte soon! October 23rd will be here before you know it!

Kim and Eric said...

You are looking as gorgeous as ever! Hope that you are feeling well. Cade is getting so big!