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Monday, June 28, 2010

My Charli Kate

Charlotte is the perfect child. She is content and easily pacifiable.She is an observer, always taking in her surroundings and her brother's actions. She is strong and independent. She LOVES her Daddy and has the essential bond that every father/daughter must have. I cannot get enough of her sweet skin and soft cuddly nature. And as any perfect baby, she has many faces... that very clearly inform me of how she is feeling. Check out my sweet Charli...

"Happy" Child. She has the perfect towel:sand:sun ratio and all is right with the world.
This face is always accompanied by her right foot stomping the ground. We call it her "fake" cry.
Her "sleepy" face is always accompanied by thumb sucking.
This is her "wet" face. She doesn't love to be in the water unless the temperature is perfect. She knows what she wants and I love that about her. Not coincidentally, this is also the face she makes if her diaper is wet.
This is the "Blue Steel" face we see most often on Charli Kate. She is taking everything in... waiting to make her move. She is so smart.
This one is a household favorite. She is completely "annoyed" at everything happening around her. We are clearly beneath her. Can't you see it?! She cracks me up!!
My perfect daughter :)

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