Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lil' Thompson Sparklers

We spent the 4th of July in Dallas visiting family. My cousin Beth had her third baby, Hannah Cristine. 9 lbs, 1 oz. of sweetness and oh-so-cute! Congrats Beth and Eric! We are so excited for the Carlisle's!!!
We spent most of the weekend in the pool. The rest of the time we played games and ate yummy food at Aunt Bobbye and Lloyd's home.
"Bubba! Tell Sissy something funny!"
Caden placed his right hand on Mimi's shoulder and his left on the tree's shoulder. Charlotte lost patience quickly with taking pictures!
Melting down after the fun...

Aunt Bobbye and Lloyd keep bees their 'grounds.' Sandra and Jael braved visited the bee keeping station...
What a fun weekend! Can't wait to see everyone again, soon!!!

1 comment:

Kim and Eric said...

What sweet pictures of your kiddos!