Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 3, 2011


New Year's for us is all about football and black-eyed peas. As exciting as that sounds, our day was fairly calm, almost somber. Mostly because it was Aunt Sasa's last day at our home before she left to begin nursing school. We'd all agree that the experience was nothing less than awesome! During the four short months that she spent with us, Sandra was consistently selfless and helpful. This is not a surprise because she has always been this way. On a more exciting note, I learned or reeducated myself on what it was like to live with my sister. I had forgotten how we are complete opposites :) Ever the confident free spirit, Sandra is so much fun! I enjoyed living vicariously through her. Though, she did break my rigid routines enough to turn over a few new leaves... the Chi... fake eyelashes (I need them, she doesn't)... and YOGA!

The transition this week has been tough for the children but as Sandra says, "children are resilient and they will bounce back" We are so happy that Sandra is where she wants to be and content with her choice for a rigorous nursing program. Best wishes and love as you farewell!

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