Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More B-day Shenanigans

Fire Engine Party!
"Gig'Em Aggies!"
Thanks Uncky Lane and Auntie Saman-ta!!
 "Paging Dr. Caden and Nurse Charlotte, STAT!" Papa and Pam sent Caden's cute Fire Engine #3 shirt!
 Birthday brunch with the kiddos at our local Cracker Barrel! Yummy!
We celebrated with barbecue for dinner - Caden's request, of course!
 AND enjoyed a fire engine birthday cake with our big 3 year old!
 Then time for a few presents from Daddy, Mommy and Charlotte!
 The new Cars 2 characters Cade loved; the clothes he dug; but the Cars tent was the hit of the day! 
May GOD bless you during the next wonderful year of your life, Son. You are so amazing and we cannot wait to see what you give back to this world!


Jael said...

Did you make his cake yourself??
My invitation worked this time around!
Love and miss all of you!:)

Sam, Jill and Aubrey said...

What a fun bday!! Love the cake!!