Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 2, 2012

Colorful Colorado

In August, we took a road trip to Colorado! we tried to make the most of the week packing it full of adventures. See our pictures from indoor skydiving, hiking and hanging out with Granddaddy, Mimi, Uncle Lane and Aunt Samantha below...
Caden is a veteran indoor skydiver but this was Charlotte's first experience! They both did well!
 This park had such unique playground equipment! So fun!
 This photo of the CO sky is unedited... it really it such a beautiful place to visit.
 Fun night out with Uncle Lane and Aunt Samantha's!
 Morning play date with our cousins!
Hiking in the mountains... it was chilly and so much fun :)
 We ran across Bambi's Mom, too :)

On the way back to TX, we stopped by the Airforce Academy!
 What a great trip! Love and miss you all!

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