Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spidey Halloween!!

Our spooky dinner consited of chichen salad sand-witches, spider dip (salsa with a sour cream web), spooky eyeballs (oreo truffles), mummies (above) and leaf cookies.
 Getting ready to walk around with G'ma!
 Practicing throwing webs with our big muscles!!
 Funniest moments of the night...
1. At every house she would announce that her bag was "almost full to the top!"
2. Charlotte loved the spooky decorations and music, Caden did not!
3. Caden's foot fell asleep at one point and he kept "shh"ing people so as not to wake his foot!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

They are too darn cute!!! What a fun mom.