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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 week and So Happy!

So happy, doesn't begin to describe... We are thrilled that in one week, we will be able to hold our Charlotte! We have received more than what we could ask for in a family and are so happy to grow it one more person. Just a few last minute finishing touches to prepare for life's change... washing all the linens throughout the house, updating the Baby Memory Books, organizing and reorganizing anything that might cause a set-back in time management, etc. Caden has been a dream these past few months... and such a big helper! Of course this is not out of the usual. We are so proud of him. I am not getting a ton of sleep; the ballerina in my belly does her stretching exercises between 2 AM and 6 AM! I will be thankful when this part is over. However, we are keeping our eyes on what will be a great payoff!!! Our last doctor's appointment was today. It went smoothly and we are planning to check into the hospital next Wednesday for our scheduled c-section. Whew!


Sam, Jill and Aubrey said...

You are so beautiful! Can't wait to see you little girl, so exciting! Thinking of you often!

Jill said...

Yay!! Getting so close!! Can't wait to see pictures of baby Charlotte! Cade is going to be such a good big brother!!