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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Babies Coming Out of Our Ears

I am a bit behind on my blogging due to time management. But I have to comment about our fun visitors last week! Our sweet friends Lindy and Ashley came over to visit Charli Kate, Caden and myself. They brought lunch. This was so appreciated since we haven't been able to get out much while Charlotte awaits her immunizations. We had babies coming out of our ears but "everything seemed sain" (to borrow Lindy's phrase). Lindy's son, Cade and my Caden had so much fun playing together. They had little conversations about taking the "trash out" and watched the "pup-pups" play in the backyard through the window. Aren't they such cute buddies?!

Lindy, below, holding a sleepy Charli Kate. You wouldn't know it to look at her because she is so tiny but she is expecting a baby girl in April - so exciting!!! We could already see that Lindy's Cade will be such a good big brother to sweet Ella Brooke!

Ashley and little Jemma Grace, below. It was the first time that I was able to hold Jemma though we visited her in the hospital on the day she was born. When we arrived that day, she was swept away by the nurse for her first wellness exam with the pediatrician. Jemma is eight weeks old here. See the family resemblance... such beauties!

What a special visit! It really meant so much to us :) Miss and love you guys!

1 comment:

allaboutcade said...

we love you! let's do it again!cade had SOOO much fun with caden. best buddies:)